To discover MARSHMALLOWS 300G Warehouse SIGMA 174482 brand MDD UPC 12 VOL 0.03 m³ Shelf-life 280 d Number of packages per layer 6 Number of pallet packages 54 Number UVC pallet 648
To discover LIQUORICED ASSORTMENT 250G Warehouse SIGMA 711476 brand MDD UPC 12 VOL 0.01 m³ Shelf-life 486 d Number of packages per layer 12 Number of pallet packages 84 Number UVC pallet 1008
To discover CUBES MARSHMALLOWS 220G LP Warehouse SIGMA 411783 brand 22 UPC 12 VOL 0.019 m³ Shelf-life 280 d Number of packages per layer 8 Number of pallet packages 72 Number UVC pallet 864
To discover ASSORTIMENT BONBONS DOUX 600G Warehouse SIGMA 78447 brand MDD UPC 12 VOL 0.027 m³ Shelf-life 486 d Number of packages per layer 8 Number of pallet packages 32 Number UVC pallet 384
To discover ASSORT.BONBONS ACIDES 600GCO Warehouse SIGMA 78448 brand MDD UPC 12 VOL 0.027 m³ Shelf-life 486 d Number of packages per layer 8 Number of pallet packages 32 Number UVC pallet 384